Sunday, September 26, 2010

P.F. Changs

Just to squeeze in a bit more celebration...we went to dinner at P.F.Changs. We were all tired but hungry. It was the perfect way to end a full day of sports, cake, jumping, presents etc. The birthday sign can come down for 6 months now!!

Monkey Joes

This was the 1st year Griffin was firm on what to do to celebrate his birthday- no negotiating with him at all. Monkey Joes it was. The kids big & little had a great time. We didn't jump, but we were exhausted after the event even though it was super easy...the celebration rolls on.

What a game

Josie's team was awesome yesterday. It made sitting out in the humid, lovebug infested air no as bad. She had some great defensive plays- love watching/cheering for her.

Good morning 5 year old

Happy, happy birthday to one of the funniest, sweetest kids we know. Griffin is a joy- so thoughtful, loving & says the most interesting things (code for no filter). Here's to a wonderful year.

Friday, September 24, 2010


More Montessori Birthday

A few more pictures from his celebration.

Celebrating at MSC

Two years ago when we celebrated Griffin's 3rd b'day, he was so little in his classroom...he had no idea what was going on for his celebration. Today he looked so tall...did everything before his teachers asked him to...sniff, sniff. He even looked like he had grown taller since I dropped him off in the a.m. Happy 5th Griff!

Last day to be 4!

Wow! What a fast & fun year. Five is a big milestone & it is so cliche but time really does fly! Looking forward to a wonderful weekend of celebrating his birthday and we know 5 is going to be a great year for Griffin.

Second Game- T Ball

Griffin went from having a huge fan club for his 1st game to just me there for part of the game (Lee was there too) until I had to leave for work. Still cute & brought smiles. The kids are so dang cute. Each week you can see them getting a little bit more. And a big shout out to all the coaches who are super patient. Go Muckdogs!

Evening at EPCOT

Griffin, Sydney, Lee & I spent the evenng at EPCOT...and as you can see we wore Griffin out- perhaps too much TestTrack!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Soccer's back. It was hot on the field...but they won a very defensive game 1-0! Feels great to be cheering her on again.

Friday, September 17, 2010

T- Ball!

Griffin's 1st T-Ball game was a success. Go Muckdogs. Griffin had a full entourage...The Arce's, The Swanson's, The Pollzzie"s, Di YanZi, Mollye & Grammy all showed up to cheer him on. It worked...he was waiving from the field. Three runs scored-awesome!

Good morning

What a beautiful way to greet the day.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

From the game

Josie had a blast at her 1st MLB game...too bad the Yankees lost...but there is a good chance that they may be back for the playoffs. Long night - we had a very sleepy 5th grader this morning.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Lee is beyond excited to take Josie to The Tampa Bay Rays vs. The NY Yankees. Have fun & eat lots of yummy stadium food!