Not sure what activity they were participating in- Lee thinks it may be basketball...I would have to disagree. I know Sydney is running in a 5K today (Go Syd)...but Josie not so much. Everyone still looking clean!!! Lee & I were waiting forever for this file to be uploaded...torture.
We are so proud of Griffin...mastering a 2 wheeler at 4 years old! One of the things on our short list to accomplish while the girls are away!! He did it on the 2nd try. Way to go Griffie!
These ladies (and babies) are the main reason I love my job. We got together to meet one another, swap stories & get a nice break from mommyhood (although all babies came with and were so cute and fun to see). Thanks for trusting me with your precious cargo.
This was a few weeks ago, but I finally got a picture of Josie (via Facebook) of her in her "Halloween" costume. She had been planning this costume all year. Just in time for Toy Story 3.
Our girls have been looked after by their cousin Megan (Moops)....we are so appreciative of her support (and secret text messages). Sydney & Josie are so lucky.
The one thing the girls couldn't wait to do was talk to Griffin. We finally got through to him while walking the aisles of Walmart. The were so happy to chat with him. Next year, Griffin comes with.
We LOVE all of Josie & Sydney's counselors...they are so fun, loving, caring- we couldn't be happier. Missing are Sydney's awesome counselors Dana & Melissa. Thank you ladies!
Imagine our complete surprise when Josie tells us her favorite activities are fushing & riflery...something we know nothing about! I've got to hand it to her...she is not afraid to try something new!!!! She has a good eye & absolutely adorable! Now we just have to send her over to our friends' homes are a bit more outdoorsy than us.
The best part of watching the girls ski is seeing how much they are having. They giggle the entire time (except when Sydney shouted to Josie to "move over"). Totally fun riding in the boat with our niece Megan.