Friday, May 29, 2009

Josie "Pies" Mr. Fiorito

A few months ago, Josie signed a contract with her teacher Mr. Fiorito that if she got a "5" on her FCAT's she pie him in the face ( not to mention be teacher for the day, uniform pass & get big classroom $$$$ for their final auction). Phase I of pieing took place today after school...she gets to pie him again next week for her 2nd "5". All I can say is Mr.Fiorito is a good sport. His glasses got knocked off by the 1st pie in his face- I think through the years he has learned how to make the most of it (see picture with kleenex ears). Again- way to go Jo & thank you mr. Fiorito for making it fun for the kids.

End of the year Carnival 2009

The good news, it was not as hot as years in the past. the bad news...the field was a swampy mess. Most of the kids could not care less- they all looked like they participated in their own version of the muddy buddy. I am now a seasoned tattoo artist! The rain showeres did not even stop the kids from having a blast.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"I'll miss you caramel corn!" from Sydney!

Another milestone...Sydney had her upper braces put on this a.m. It'll be another 26 months before we see those pearly whites again. Next up, she has to have 2 teeth extracted & Josie

will have her orth consult next month because apparently we started a little late for Sydney. When Sydney gets the braces off, she will be about to start High School!

Summer is here!

After leaving the Pizza party, Griffin & I spent the afternoon at Downtown Disney in the sizzling heat. I planned on spending my birthday giftcard $$$, but instead Griffin played most of the time in the toy store. Griffin particularly like the muskets (hmmm) & of course he loves to play Peter Pan & Cap'n Hook- so the pirate accessories were a must. we even stopped in at Ghiradelli's to cook off. Summer fun...yay!

Go Take a Hike Pizza Party

Josie ran fast to get in alot of laps to earn money for her school's "GO Take a Hike" Fundraiser. She was awarded various prizes, one of which included taking a (Hummer) Limo ride with her principals & having lunch with them at Flipper's Pizzeria. Griffin & I met them there & it was fun to hang out with Nancy & Heather...not to mention chatting with Dr. Kennedy (principal)- who I think it such a great person- I think he has done amazing things for our school & he dedication to the kids/school is so reassuring. Congrats to all the kids who earned money for their school.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Graduation Weekend

Various pictures from the weekend in Atlanta. As you can see we had fun, alot of laughs.

Moops Graduates!!!

Congratulations to our niece/cousin Megan "Moops" on her graduation from High School. We travelled up to Atlanta for the festivities & although it was a quick trip- well worth it- it was fun to celebrate with family. Way to go Moops- we are proud of you & we know you will be very successful at The Ohio State University!!!

"Are we there yet?" - (Road trip 2009)

Our 1st road trip of 2009. We headed to Atlanta for our niece/cousin Megan (Moops) high school graduation. We clocked in at 1:59 before we heard the words "Are we there yet?" Not too bad. The kids were great- only watched one DVD- and hung in there through the frustrating Atlanta traffic & rainstorms for a travel time of just over 8 hours. The ride back was just as easy- we drove back late in the day hoping to cash in on my sleeping time...which didn't happen but the kids travelled well. Next major road trip N.C. beach in August!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seito Celebration

A night out to celebrate Josie's awesome FCAT scores. She earned "5"'s on both her reading & math FCAT tests. We are so proud...we knew she'd do well but she had a fever of 102 & the stomach flu the 1st day of testing- she was sent home right after the test. the 2nd day she just went in to take the test 7 the 3rd day she missed altogether & had to make up. So since she wasn't feeling her best, we weren't sure how things would pan out.
Fun news...he scores earned her the opportunity to be Mr. Fiorito's "teacher of the day", she gets to throw a pie in his face (maybe twice) & get an opt out of uniform day!!! Way to go Jo!!!
So off we went for a celebratory dinner at Seito! Cheers Josie!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Around the World of Broadway

This past weekend The Headliner's from Celebration Middle School performed their spring show - Around the World of Broadway. It was a very fun show to watch- the kids did great & they definitely had fun onstage as well as backstage (me too...I really enjoy hanging with this group & am glad I got the chance to get to know them on the trip to Virginia).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We've got "Summer Fun"!

The Montessori Art Show is also a fundraiser for the school. Every year some of the "hot ticket" items are themed baskets sponsored by each classroom. They are raffled off at the end of the evening. Those of you who know Josie , know she is all about winning! And each year I have to give the pep talk that there is to be no crying if we don't win. Since there are hundreds of tickets for each basket- the odds are certainly against winning. As you can see from the tears this year. Josie won the "Summer Fun" basket!!! Believe it or not, after 2 days we still haven't opened it yet, I think Josie just likes looking at it all put together, but there are plenty of goodies from water bombs, to sidewalk chalk, masks, fins, goggles, dive sticks, balls, towels get it!!! A great win for a family with a pool! So, if you are looking for some "Summer Fun", you know where to find it!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our little "Picaso"

Last night we attended The Montessori Art Show- hats off to Kathy Arce on another great event. Here I am being a mother...Griffin's art was so great for such a little guy. We were just pleased to see that he actually produced some art as we were told it took him a few months to actually want to participate in doing an art! But he made big strides this year- he came home witha Henna tattoo on his palm yesterday (jealous).

Friday, May 15, 2009

Food, Friends & Fun!

A few weeks ago, a group of us got together for a "Summer sandwich & salad cookoff". All I have to say is "YUM"! The food was so good- we were stuffed. let's also recognize what it takes to get everyone together for this photo!!! Lee calls it the "namaste" photo because (for those of you who watch Lost)- it looks like we have just joined the Dharma Institute!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a beautiful Mother's day! I thought after the Muddy Buddy race I would easily sleep in. Not in my cards. I was up at 7 - which was fine b/c we had a busy day planned. we had an early brunch with family & then headed over to The Polynesian to swim & boat with friends. It was so hot, the pool felt great. We took a pontoon boat out on the lake, which the kids took turns driving. Finally, we came back home to BBQ on our brand new grill, which really made it feel like summer has kicked started! A very Happy Mother's day to all...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Muddy Buddy 2009

A very big congratulations to Lee Lowell for particpating in his 1st race EVER!!!! He did great. We ran as the "Lowell Ohana" . This race was so much fun and challenging at the same time. Next year we'll decorate our bike better so I don't lose it like I did at the end of the 1st leg! Biking in the sand/dirt was harder than we thought but so much fun. The obstacles were fun & I learned I have minimal balance on a beam. Crawling through the mud pit at the end was the best way to finish a race. Thank you to Wayne who helped by bringing Josie & Sydney out & cheering them on at the mini muddy buddy. Showering after was interesting...we'll see how our clothes hold out after the laundry is done. Running the trash! Hopefully this will not be Lee's last race!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Excellent season for Team Dynamite

Another soccer season in the can. We all loved watching & cheering for this team. What will we do on our Saturday mornings?! Congrats Josie- we can see how much you enjoy playing the game.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hooray for straight A's

Congratulations to Josie & Sydney for working hard & earning good grades. It's always a great time to cheer them on at the honor roll assemblies.