Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our 1st time to Universal Studios!

The company that I work for had appreciation day at Universal. Since we had never beeb (except Sydney)- we came back early from Naples...attended a company lunch & roamed around the 2 parks. Alot to see in a few hours, loads of fun & a great change from Disney! A wonderful end to a packed weekend.

Another fun weekend in Naples.

No school last Friday...Lee's sister Marya & her family were in Naples vacationing, so we went down for a 2 day visit. The kids were in the pool most of the time, even though it really wasn't pool weather. We had great meals & visited with some more friends who were visiting from New England. Great to get away & see everyone.

Fun afternoon at the park with friends!

The weather has been perfect for hanging out at the park with friends. We shouldn't complain...but it has been a bit too cold the past weeks for some of us to hang outside! So after gymnastics clas, a few of Griffin's friends & their moms hung out at East Village Park until it was time to pick up big brothers & sisters. a great way to spend the afternoon!

Swimming Lessons

Griffin started swimming lessons at the fitness centre that we belong too- not bad...indoors in a warm therapy pool! We would like to have him swimming on his won by summer...the instructor says "no problem"...we'll see! he goes willingly, but the entire session is filled with him saying "he can't do it". His favorite part is taking a shower afterwards because he thinks the shower head is some kind of fancy squirt gun. We'll update on his progress!

Happy Valentine's Day 2009

What a great get to wake up to candy & more candy throughout the day. We made heart shaped, red sprinkled pancakes for breakfast. I think these pictures were taken before 9 a.m.! Lee & I went out to dinner- fantastic food at Primo! A very fun, easy holiday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Honor Roll assemblies

Congratulations to both Josie & Sydney for earning straight A's on their last report cards. The Honor Roll assemblies were held yesterday & Sydney performed with her Headliners group. They both had plans last night, but we will most likely be taking them out for a celebratory dinner soon! J& S...keep up the good work.

Am I a cool mom?

We spent Sunday afternoon at Hollywoodland Studios (I think that is the new name)- we met up with The Arces & decided to close out the night with dinner in the park. Griffin fell asleep on our last ride & managed to stay asleep through a very loud dinner, transfer to the car & home. We must have really wiped him out. I think the last food he ate was the next morning I let him eat the dinner I ordered for waking up to nuggets & fries!