Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall festival

Griffin's class celebrates with doughnuts, games and crafts!

I work with a crazy bunch

'nuff said

Human Gross Out Science Night

Boogers, vomit, pee, poop, snot, bad breathe...Human Gross Out Science Night!

Griffin not having it

Someone had too much party!  Ready to call it a night!

Berger's Party

AWESOME party at The Bergers!  We recycled costumes and had a blast dancing!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Party Two

On to our 2nd party down the street..another recycled...oldie but goodie! More comfy ( except for the wig)!

1st Halloween Party

Ok...time to recycle some costumes...with our busy calendar we decided to shop at our house. They still fit ( and Lee still complains his shirt is itchy).  We think we have the cutest Ninja in town!

Brrr. A breezy saturday morning on the field and the team played great. Awesome team work.

Friday Night Baseball

Finally they played 3 outs per inning and wow...we have a quick game!  Good job Wildcats!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

New warm-up strategy

While the other team was stretching and running drills...Josie and Sofia where piggy backing and playing leap frog!  But it worked!

Amazing day of lacrosse

First high school lacrosse tournement and the Falcons made it to the finals, which surprised everyone.  What a close game-6-6 and we lost in a draw. What a great day and the Falcons show great they are ge real deal!

We only got to see Griffin play half a soccer game this week- but he did great and enjoyed his friends.

More machine pitch

Second night of baseball- beautiful night under the lights!  Griffin loves the time in the dugout as much as out in the field.

Pumpkin decorating

How cute are these pumpkins that Griffin and Josie decorated?  Fun and easy to make!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October cupcake party

October's host belongs to Katie.  Halloween themed decorations...b/c there is never enough sugar in October!  Boo!

Terri's assistant!

Josie jumping around during a break while helping Terri at a photo shoot!

Happy Wednesday

Week two of our Starbucks breakfast ( while Josie is at National Junior Honor Society)!!!! We can get used to this!

Alley Fun

 A beautiful Sunday afternoon and the wild elm street alley kids were out on their scooters and bikes! Simple and easy and they had a blast!

Go Wildcats!!!

Thursday night make-up game.  The Wildcats did an awesome job and showed alot of team spirit!  Three great hits by Griffin!