Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blizzard Beach

Cast comes off = water fun!  We got a free pizza, ice cream and donuts!  Bonus! Plus we had fun!

The cast comes off!!!! Hooray!!!

We are happy that Griffin has happy he can get back to doing the things he loves to do!


It's not a girls' haircut without a trip to Menchies!

Good bye girls

Thanks girls for stopping travels!

1st day of school 2012

Looking good Lowell kids. Here's to another successful school year.

Griffin & Leith

Buddies from Kindergarten...good to see one anther before 1st grade begins.

Jess & Bridget arrive

Australian Agawak counselors arrive in Orlando...great to see them.  Of course we have to show them around Disney World! A great way to spend the last day of summer vacation.

Family Pictures

Even the wind didn't stop us!

The Motley Crew

Enough said!


OMG!  This was hil-ar-i-ous!  It was new this year and the kids had a blast.  Griffin looked like he was auditioning for the Broadway production of Peter Pan!

Go Karting

It's an annual outing- a night out at the Go Kart track.  Much laughter.  Josie was finally tall enough to go on the fast track.

Beach games

Good times!  Good times!

More pictures around the beach house

Love all these people

Fun times around the beach house.

Rainbow Cupcakes

Josie decided we were baking rainbow cupcakes for dessert on the night we cooked at the beach. Labor intensive- yes!  Delicious- double yes! Winner!  Maybe a repeat for next summer!