Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our favorite Holiday! Yummy food, great company-lots of leftovers!

Josie's turkey

You can't beat a reese's, rolo, oreo turkey ( no trytophan!).

Ice, Ice

It is really, really cold in here. Very cool, but very cold...after 20 minutes we've had enough. But so amazing to see all the sculptures and of course go down the slides.


On our way to Ice I look back in the car and Griffin is pretending to meditate! What a crack up!
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Toasty warm!

Because it is such a rarity...I love to see my kids all bundled up. Griffin getting ready to go to "Ice" while eating an egg sandwich!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another soccer season - success!

Woohoo...we can relx on Saturday mornings! (kidding)! Griffin did great this season...time to say goodbye to no goalies and move up to the big fields!

Founder's Day Race 2002!

Cleaning out closets, I found this photo of Josie and Lee running in our 1st founder's day the left is our good friend Heather...who we did not meet until years later...funny!


Sydney, Josie, Katie and Caroline played a life size version of Monopoly with Celebration trivia. They came in 2nd placed and it inspired our kids to play an almost 4 hour game of Monopoly the next day!

Founder's Day Carnival

Sofia painting Josie's face - to support the Headliner's...nice not to have to volunteer at a booth and just enjoy the festivities.

Go Lee!

Here's a 1st...Lee races and I cheer him on. Lee set a PR at this year's Founder's day race through Celebration! All other peeps were too tired to run ( and I was delivering a baby_ well a few minutes before the race...good thing the race started and ended a the hospital!). Proud!!

Straight A's

And the final award goes for straight A's on the report card...pretty cool- moving on to middle school ( but we knew she could handle it!)

Socer awards

The 2nd award was for being a member of the 1st place runner up in the county for girls soccer. She was one of two 6th graders on the team. What a great experience for her.


Josie was given the 1st of 3 awards at the honor award assembly for receiving a perfect in Math on the FCAT- over 33,000 kids take the fcat and she was one of a few dozen in the state to receive that score- they stressed its super imported to be strong in math/science. It also keeps her streak of only 5's on the fcat going- she received 3/3 5's last year!

Josie and Sofia

I just love these two girls!


I am starting to realize alot of our posts are related to food! Bonus to all girl's haircuts...Menchie's is next door!

We had fun!

Leith's party was a win-win for all. Holly and I got to enjoy dinner and catch up while the kids were partying! Griffin, Ella, Audrey being silly on the way home! The glasses flashed- hilarious!

A few minutes to squash before Leith's party and we ended up playing at Once Upon a Toy- Mr. Potato Heads! Griffin remembered to pack his "angry eyes"!

Ice Cream!

The party rolled on to Ghiradelli's at downtown disney- excellent!

Delayed Birthday Celebration

Ella missed Griffin's make-up birthday party- so we made it up with mini golf and ice cream before they went to another friend's birthday...they are so funny together...great, buddies!

Sydney's back at Lax

Cross country comes to an end and Lacrosse has it's last game of the fall season. Sydney did not miss a beat and got right back in the swing of things!

Another score!

Another great morning on the soccer field for Griffin! Two goals and a couple of assists! Way to go G!

Happy Birthday Kathy!

A very happy birthday to a dear friend. We celebrated during a book club meeting ( hey- we have to multitask!). Proper celebrations to follow!