Friday, September 30, 2011

Night swimming!

The perfect way to end a birthday! Night swimming after cake!

HB Wyatt!

All the September Birthdays keep rolling on...this time we are celebrating Wyatt's 5th birthday! Cheers!

3 cute boys playing wii

Boys have entered the building! Griffin was more than happy to play Super Mario Bros. 3 with Mac and Wyatt ( and Uncle Greg)!

Go Pride!

Another 8-0 win for The middle school girls soccer team...such amazing players!

Set goals Josie!

We love Josie's goal that she had to set for her language arts class! Lots of hard work in her future!

Ad more celebrating at home!

Moving on to the 3rd cake....celebrating with family at home ( Grammy, Uncle Wayne and Aunt Debbie).

HBD to Ava, Rob, and Griffin!

Celebrating 3 September birthdays at Saratoga Springs!

Mario & Yoshi Cake

How awesome is this cake that Terri made for Griffin's birthday? And the inside ( chocolate) is just as great as the outside!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Birthday Boy

This is the 1st time we've ever had a sick birthday kid! So sad- we had to cancel his party! Hopefully, he'll get better soon. Presents did cheer him up, but he didnt really want any cake. Boo.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Soccer season starts

Griffins team looks good...our por little guy wasnt feeling tip top....but played hard!

Bubbles galore!

Who doesn't enjoy bubbles?


Game called due to lightening. Bummer, looking forward to seeing another great game by Celebration Pride!

The start of the birthday weekend!

Celebrating Kindergarten style. That is a big crown... happy almost birthday to my favorite almost 6 year old!

Oh Yum!

I have been known to take pictures of my food...this was really the best meal I've had in Orlando. Funny enough it was at a steak house-these desserts were the best...1st time ever having a beignet...a fan for sure!

Happy Birthday Rob!

Our Mystery Club event was derailed due to inclement weather-we moved inside and helped Rob celebrate a very happy birthday!

Go Falcons

Josie has continued her streak to score in every lacrosse game. She had an amazing goal in the jr. high game. But she still gets mad when we take her picture.

Cross Country

At Mount Dora- beautiful, hilly- bummer I locked my keys in the car! Sydney and friends did great.

Check out my new ride

Griffin is in to building paper airplanes. This one was no joke to make...thanks Dad!

Our girls growing up

Here's how Josie shows up to take a meeting regarding her upcoming Bat Mitzvah...where'd our tomboy go?

Griffin shares his snack

Griffin offers Addy a bit of his protein bar. Overheard saying " just eat the chocolate...skip the protein"

Middle School soccer team

Josie before her 1st middle school soccer game. Go # 21! She had a great defensive game.

Just another day at the office

A saturday with busy activities often means Griffin gets to hang with me- including rounding at the hospital and and on this particular day coming to a delivery ( running through the halls nonetheless). Griffin said he needed some coffee for his morning rounds...I dont blame him

Friday, September 9, 2011

1st Quicks class

Now it is Griffin's turn to participate in Quicks class' after years of watching his sisters! He had a blast!


Josie runs, raises money for her school all the while looking fab!

Griffin runs a mile!

All this running...Josie convinced Griffin to run a mile! He did it, but then made sure he got a post workout massage!

Cross Country Fundraiser

Sydney and Cecilia working the cross country lemonade stand/bake sale. Success!

Mmm mmm ribs!!

Quote from Griffin " Mom, I wish you weren't a vegetarian because these are goo-ood"! Ribs compliments of Dr. Lemert.

Fun after Lacrosse

Cute girls blowing off steam after a long, hot lacrosse practice