Sunday, February 20, 2011

1st swim of the season

It always feels weird swimming this early on. Not that we are complaining, but the sun is warm, the air temp is getting there, but the water is usually cold. Our pool was freezing, so we headed to The Esat Village Pool to cool off. Bravest one of all...Griffin. He dove right in. Now starts the season of extra laundry...towels, towels, and more towels.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lacrosse- Sydney's back!

The 2nd home game...Sydney's back after her bout with tendinitis. Josie played in both the elementary & middle school games and scored in both. Sydney looked strong- hopefully her foot will stay healthy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A new twist on pizza

Since we celebrated last night & we were busy with work & activities...we had dinner at home, but not without getting in the spirit of the day! Definitely better than The Hut!

What a surprise

By mid morning a few of the nurses that I was working with received flowers for Valentine's Day. I joked that I should call Lee to tell him to get on the band wagon. By the time I got back from getting lunch...a beautiful box of tulips was sitting at my desk...2 dozen colorful tulips. Way to go Lee! As you can see, my office area looked like a florist shop by the end of the day!

Valentine's Day 2011

It was off to work/school but not before we celebrated Valentine's day. We got chuckles from all 3 kids when they read their cards. Lee & I counted that it was our 24th Valentine's Day together. Wow

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Celebrating our Valentine's

Work, activities & homework made it an easy decision to celebrate Valentine's the night before. We had a great night at The Beach Club...dinner at Beaches & Cream followed by the arcade. perfect & love key. Tomorrow night...make your own heart shaped pizzas!

Mmmmmm...Sunday a.m.

Look what arrived on our doorstep at 8:15 a.m. Hot , homemade cinnamon buns! Way to go Rob Zollinger. Did it help that Sydney came home from Lacrosse yesterday telling me that Mr. Zollinger made homemade cinnamon buns for his family & could I do that? Of course I had to tell Rob 'thanks for putting that idea in my kids head" He did one better & made them himself. 5 thumbs up from the Lowell's!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Update

It's been over 6 months since our last get together. Some more additions, now we have some walkers & some crawlers. All so cute.

Honor roll take two

Deja vu. I get to hear the same speeches for a second time when I go to Josie's honor roll. Straight A's for JoJo...way to go. When the principal recognizes the parents for their effort...I have to say that Josie is so independent that we really had nothing to do with her report card. Josie just signed up for her electives for Middle School...big changes for all 3 kids next year.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Honor Roll

Looks like Sydney is going to get straight A's throughout middle school (hope I did not jinx her!!!) Another proud moment...way to go Sydney.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hello smile

Sydney got her braces off 5 months early..woohoo! They are so straight, but she is getting used to looking at her new used to metal. One down, two to go! She looks great.

Super Sunday

Superbowl Sunday! Lee & I watched more football this season than we have since we've become parents thanks to our friend marcelo. We were rooting for The Packers...yay! Good food, great football & in our p.j.s! Perfect!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Wonderful hotel room...awesome dinner at Ohana...way too much food, but nice to indulge.


Sydney's big Hanukkah gift this past year was a weekend away with Mom & Dad at The Grand Floridian. Not bad....right up her alley. The weather did not cooperate but we had a great time. Being the oldest child sometimes means you don't always get the most time with your parents day to day, so it was great to put everything else aside & focus on our big girl.

1st spring lacrosse scrimmage

Josie scored the 1st ever official goal in a game here in Celebration. Not bad for a 5th grader playing against 8th & 9th graders (and twice her height). Her cradling & agility were impressive. Way to go Jo!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Who doesn't love bubbles? Griffin had a blast soaking & he told me he is going to look like this in 70 years. Wow!