Friday, December 31, 2010

Poppers & Sparklers

Coming fro our Hawaiian roots...whats a New Years Eve without Poppers & Sparklers? Totally puts a smile on their faces.

New Years Eve Prep

The days just go faster & faster. Josie & I returned late last night & we decided to have a family night at home. We were busy all day & Lee & I got home from shopping at 6:30 p.m. Everyone pitched in & we made an awesome (and huge) holiday dinner mostly made up of appetizers & our favorite dishes. We took many breaks for sparklers & poppers.

Last day to sled

We picked the perfect time to go to Cleveland b/c on our last day temps went up to 36 degrees & the snow was getting slushy & it rained. But that did not stop Simon, Natalie & Josie...they came back soaked....really wet. Nothing that hot chocolate couldn't cure (and a warm fire).

Snow Days at Progressive Field

We went with Natalie & her family to Tobaggan at The Indians stadium...kind of like a real life Blizzard Beach. Long lines made it just like we were at Disney World!

Lee's Favorite restaurant he's never eaten at...

Hot Sauce Williams. I tried...t-shirt, BBQSauce....nothing! One day Lee will make it!

Cute lil' guy

What's a trip to the snow without a snowman (mini style).

More sledding

Having fun on the slopes

Josie sledding

We took Josie sledding at Thornton of my childhood experiences.She loved it and the 14 degree weather did not hold her back (although I stayed in the car after 15 minutes ). Out of all her sledding runs, this was her favorite. Woohoo!

Josie & Natalie

Josie's "Big" Hanukkah present was a trip to Cleveland in December to visit her good friend Natalie from camp, as well as her Aunt, Uncle & cousin Simon. She said it was the best present ever. Fun spending time with her summer camp buddy in the cold winter

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful afternoon/evening at The Arces. Excellent food, puzzles, games...I even stepped out to deliver a baby in the midst of the celebration. Very relaxing...Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning

It has been our tradition to open all the "extra" gifts on Christmas morning. Over the years, we are starting to think we now have two holidays the kids are celebrating!!!! Thankfully everyone slept in...finally we let Griffin wake his sisters at 8:30. Merry Christmas to all!

Annual Holiday Lights Tour

It was cold out & Josie insisted on taking the NEV. We bundled up...unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) the battery is having we only made it around Artisan Park before swamping out for a much warmer van. Beautiful & creative...always fun to see the decorated homes.

Mini Golf

It's not a trip to Naples without a (competitive) round of miniature golf. Papa bet anyone who beat him a dollar. It was a close match...and everyone under the ago 4o became a dollar richer!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy, happy anniversary!!

We travelled to Naples to celebrate Elaine & Larry's 50th anniversary. It was a beautiful evening. We met so many of their friends - it was great to honor such a special event. Congratulations Larry & Elaine- what a wonderful example you set for all of us.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Here is her strong finish...looking good (and cute) Jojo!

Reindeer Run

I am so proud of our girls...Josie's 1st 5K & Sydney's 2nd! The Reindeer Run was crowded- over 4000 runners. It was cold & some of us think it was actually longer than a 5k (but thats another story for another day. Way to go Anna, Josie, Sydney, Alex, Da Yan Zi (and Kelly)!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Headliners Country Christmas

Another great performance by The Headliners. Instead of traditional holiday songs, this years theme was Country music (me, not so much a fan, but no bad). The food was country BBQ. Probably the best holiday show yet.