Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello kindergarten

How excited is our guy to be starting kindergarten??? Very! He did "3 works" in his journal & also came home with a beaded necklace (that's Montessori for ya!) Since I was working today...
tomorrow when I get off call I will be officially able to be off summer break!

8th & 5th grade

1st day of school- woohoo. Sydney & Josie were actually excited. Josie has my great friend Lisa as her teacher & Sydney's old 5thbgrade teacher & fellow Wisconsin camper, Mr. Melrose. Sydney is happy to be atop of the K-8 food chain! Let's have a great year girls!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Another wonderful thing about vacation ids taht there are so many people around to entertain our kids, that we actually can find alone time! Hooray!


So great to have cousin time.


How we missed our cheerful, energetic, loving, thoughtful 10 year old. After a few days of camp hangover...Josie re-emerged. She was exhausted...but after after a few days of solid sleep she returned. What an absolute joy she is!!!

The Porch

Ah the conversations had overlooking the ocean. The porch is a place to read, eat, rock, relax...it has everything to make a beach vacation perfect!

Around the beach house

Fun & games around 90 E. 1st street!


Congratulations to Uncle Alan who won the annual backgammon tournement! Competition was intense...too bad for him, no one put their money in!

Cooking Night

Its worth it to cook/shop/clean one night...so typical- a bit of stress, alot of chopping, major oraganizing. We cooked a mexican fiesta for the 2nd year in a row...it turned out great!

Go, go, go

Hilarious! The kids had a blast & we all had a good laugh watching them go round & round the small track!

Cheering at Go-Karts!

We had a lot of laughs cheering for each other when we went go -karting. So much fun!

The Lowell's!

The sun was blazing in our eyes...and before we knew it...the week was over- so we only got 3 pictures of our crew! Plus, we only had a small window to get our littliest member in the photos!

Griffin's turn

Griffin practices on land before hitting the waves. We know it won't be long before he joind his sisters riding the waves.

Ride 'em Josie

Our Hawaiian born girl looks the part...she took to the waves & seems to be a natural...next year- The North Shore!


One of the best parts of our beach week....hanging out with our friends!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Boogie Boarding

We were riding high on the waves....fun by all.

At the beach

What a wonderful week at Ocean Isle Beach (as always)....great friends, yummy food...every year it gets easier, more relaxing. The water was perfect for surfing, boogie boarding, body surfing.