Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Project Agawak

Here are pictures from "Project Agawak". Each cabin was given a tablecloth & had to desin an outfit for one of their counselors. I am sure Sydney was in heaven!!! Still no word from Josie-but she looks so great, we are sure she is too busy to write.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4th of July dance practice


Pictures from the 1st campfire. Brrrrr, it looks cold! Next year we pack ski hats.

Megan & Josie

Cousins bonding. I love that josie is experimenting with her hair!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Field activities

Not sure what type of field activity they were doing, but they look like they are having fun...and she even looks clean!

Cabin Pictures

Looks like Sydney's cabin was going for an 80's look. I miss these girls...but they look happy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

1st full day of camp

Tennis for Josie & water activities for Sydney- it looks like they stayed with their cabins on this 1st full day. Weather looks good...we cannot wait to see/read more! Jealous.


Lee got home after 11 p.m. after leaving at 6a.m. to take the girls up to camp (thank you Lee). He was in minneapolis, Wausau Wi, & Detroit. Bad storms prevented all other camper's flights from landing except theirs. Anyways, shortly after her came home, the 1st pictures of the girls were up on the camps website. It is hard not knowing what is going on, but everyone looks happy, smiles we just stalk the website each dau hoping for updates, new photos & of course a letter from the girls!

The Long Goodbye

Some pictures of the girls (well Josie) saying goodbye. We took just the girls (no Griffin) out to dinner their last night home at Eleven. It was nice to have a relaxed dinner with them. Excitement & a few jitters. Here's to a fabulous summer for all of us!

Bon Voyage Pool Party

We had a very casual going away party for the girls so that they could say goodbye to all their friends. No surprises this year. It was super easy. I am loving that Griffin swims so well- I never even got in the pool. Cupcakes are way more popular than chips, btw! When the girls see their friends next- they will be in school- whaaaaa.

Happy Father's Day

I hope Lee had a relaxing Father's Day...we had a very laz Sunday morning- which included breakfast in bed with way too much food, World Cup Soccer & a quick workout. We went to go see Toy Story 3...finally a movie all 5 of us wanted to see together. The day ended with a homecooked. Oh...and he got a drill that he has to share with Griffin!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sydney's Recital

Sydney did great...a totally different feel from previous years. She had a fun year dancing, way less intense and enjoyed being with friends. We love watching you dance! Way to go!

Dress rehearsal

Some photos of Sydney's dress rehearsal (since no photos allowed during the performance). New studio, a bit more casual...easy breezy. It's nice that she is older & more independent. She even volunteered to watch the little ones backstage at an earlier performance.

Weekend getaway/ post school celebration

We love a brief weekend away to a hotel. We surprised the kids & took them away for the weekend to The Omni Resort just a few miles away. A fun pool, eating out, sleeping in a hotel...easy, yet we feel like we are on vacation. Griffin's swimming is solid that for the 1st time in years we didn't have to get in the pool if we didn't want to (hurray), but it was so warm, you know we did. They have a very fun lazy river that we lapped many times. Thank you weather for cooperating too, we know its always a risk at this time of the year!

Fun Friday!

Fun for all on a Friday! Griffin spent the morning jumping around inflatable slides at his friends birthday party, while the girls had the end of the year school carnival. I worked the dunk tank which was hilarious to see the teachers get dunked (good sports). After school, I went over to my friend Lisa's and had my own fun (happy hour)...great way to start the weekend.