Saturday, May 29, 2010

Headliners: behind the scenes

The last night of the shows I volunteered backstage. Volunteering for middle school students is really easy...I just sat around and chatted with my middle school buddies, occasionall zipped up a dress & had one wardrobe malfunction. I was able to watch some of the show and the kids did an excellent job. I think the went for it and it showed.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Headliners Show

Rule number one...don't meet friends out for a glass of wine & then meet your family out to watch a show where you are expected to manage your uncooperative 4 year old...NOT FUN! But the show was entertaining- I love these kids. They really are a close group and work well together. Tonight I get to hang out back stage with them, which is always enjoyable. Sydney's comedic timing was right on & her smile was infectious. Good job!

MSC Art Show

Another amazing art show by MSC...always impressive. We love Griffin's work (bias) - there really are a few that are keepers. Unfortunately, no wins for the Lowell family this year (rats)- but it was an enjoyable night out!


Now that Lacrosse & Soccer are over, the girls returned to Quicks...this time Griffin gets to particpate. He LOVED it- all the jumping, running, footwork. All the kids wore their I love NY shirts from Sydney's Bat Mitzvah (including Lee who was working out!).

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pool Day

We met our family for a relaxing day poolside at Reunion's Waterpark, which was easy breezy- the kids had fun and were enetertained without too much parental interaction. The perfect way to end a joyous weekend. Lee & I were still in post party daze, so it was great that there were others around to keep the fun going! We loaded up the car (unbelievable all the items required for the day and a half we were there)- plus we left so much at the resort to be picked up later. All fun times must come to an end :(

The morning after

Yes you can have a party hangover even if you don't drink too much. What an amazing, energetic, nonstop, full force party. I know I didn't sleep too well- wired from the party and a beautiful service. Lee and I were pretty much in a true Lowell fashion we ordered breakfast up to the room and rehashed the evening on our terrace. Our kids were so tired they could barely speak- I think a good sign that the previous night was a success! More pictures to follow!


We went full force getting ready for the party. We had our friend (and hairdresser) Shawn come out to our suite at Reunion and get the girls beautiful. Thankfully, Sydney & I could agree on a hairstyle for her...and Josie looked adorable. We ordered room service and listened to music...overall a great way to spend the preparty time. Griffin had the best day too...roomservice AND lounging around watching tv all afternoon! Lee & I came back and forth, checking in on all the preparations was exciting, busy- lots of adrenaline pumping...leaving just minutes to actually get dressed and putting the finishing touches...but the end result was perfect. Sydney looked gorgeous ( bias)...beautiful inside and out!

The biggest cheering section

The soccer season was extended by one week...we had planned on not over scheduling ourselves on the day of Sydney's Bat Mitzvah. However, we not only got pressure from Josie's coaches but the the opposing teams coach as well. A few of our out of town guests as well as our regular supporters came to cheer Josie on. It was a tight fit but we pulled it off ( Lee & Sydney stayed home to get last minute items together) and right after the game we headed down to Reunion to get the show on the road!