Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a fun night (Halloween 2009)

I have never remembered starting Halloween so early- but I guess that's what happens when it falls on a Saturday. We pre trick-or-treated at 2 different parties - sent Sydney off with her girlfriends & then headed home for the real deal. By this time, Griffin was done with it all- could careless about candy & just wanted his pajamas. He was onboard to hand out the candy. That left wonder woman & candycorn witch to bond on the streets of East Village. Totally great night- lots of energy -although I don't like how everyone starts while the sun is still out- something not right about that. Creativity is always at a high in Celebration & the pirate ship house around the block from us brought in so much traffic that we ran out of candy by 8 p.m. Josie was a good sport & donated from her bag. We visited a few more friends homes vis the NEV & called it a night (except for Sydney who has not returned home but was spotted by a few friends & she is having fun). Boo until 2010.

Score- on a corner kick!!!

Josie had an awesome goal from a corner kick! Move over Beckham! Love to see her smile & the cheers from her siblings. ps- Celebration Youth Soccer- you need to move the 12 o'clock game to 8 a.m. Even though I do not like to be "Up & Adam" on a Saturday morning- it's too darn hot out there at 1 p.m.

Halloween Soccer

Finally- beautiful soccer weather. The Red Bull Dogs had another fine day on the field. Lee was back from his trip & the team was ready to play hard.

Friday, October 30, 2009

SUGAR...Bring it!!!

Get out your insulin pens- the sugarfest is about to begin. Just before the biggest sugar holiday arrives we decided to decorate Halloween cupcakes for a few of the parties we will be going to this year. Everyone was very creative & tell me, who doesn't love a cupcake?

Halloween parade

Move over's Woody's turn. An annual favorite- The MSC halloween Parade. I'd like to have a picture of the parants gawking over their children..."aws & oohs"- so funny. But the kids are so darn cute. We even brought along a few of Sydney's friends & they were right there with the parents...a favorite as always.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween preview

Here we go...another Halloween. Sydney ( & Sydney) went to a middle school dance while the rest of us headed off to a neighborhood Halloween party. Thanks to an inflatable which entertained Griffin 90% of the night- we were able to relax! Let the sugar fix begin.

okay..."Go Yankees"

Because I love my husband so much, I will (relunctantly) send a shout out to his favorite team. They didn't look so good last night (or did Philly play great) and I know he is mostly a stranger to heartbreak related to sports team ( while I am the resident expert when it comes to this). It is still early on in the series, so hoping this post will send some luck up to the Bronx.

Cracker Country

Josie & I went to Cracker Country with all the 4th grade classes- which was a representation of rural Florida from the 1890's thru the early 19oo's. It was pretty cool- the kids got to make their own rope (I even helped), candles, churn butter etc. Josie's favorite part was washing & ironing (hard to believe)- mine was churning butter- YUM! I think we all agreed we are thankful for progress- although Josie did say she wouldn't mind it for a little while!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Griffin continues to improve so much with his swimming lessons. He is swimming front to back & can float for minutes. He really enjoys the water. I have loved our biweekly outings to the pool/picnic. Today we even had lunch with a frog!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Troy, Foster & Eli's Animal Birthday

Rounding out the weekend was another birthday party for Griffin. Griffin had a chance to pet various animals which I never heard of, although they looked like possums, deer, racoons & pigs. He even got to hold a ginormous yellow snake! Digging for dinosaurs in the sand was also a hit! Okay...I am certain Griffin & I have had enough pizza & birthday cake for one weekend.