Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (Fun Friday Continues)

A few weeks ago, I was out with some friends & we decided that once a month we will get together for "Fun Friday" -happy hour. Our 1st hostess, Lisa, is a teacher & suggested the 1st Friday after school starts. Lisa prefers early, so we set our time at 4 o'clock (just enough time to settle in after school)! And believe me, I was knocking on her door at 4:01 !!! The only down side...I was in bed by 8:30!

Fountain Fun

We made it through the 1st week of was a lo-ong one. And now it is "Fun Friday". After trekking out early to take a test in Altamonte Springs, I came back & Griffn & I met some friends at the Fountain to play & eat. This is such a fun age...they spent much of their time carrying water froma spicket, back in to the fountains.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to school!!!!

"It's the most wonderful time of the year"....Love that commercial. Another summer in the can ...and it was a great one. Many vacations, went by way to fast. But just as we love summer...we also love school (I am speaking about Lee & myself of course). So, here we are at 7th grade, 4th grade & 2nd year @ Montessori! No tears, a few butterflies in the tummies...but overall a very easy drop off. I am bracing myself for all the paperwork that will be coming home today...but for now...ahh, the silence in our home.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

'It's Raining Sharks!"

Marya, Josie & I were minding our own business watching the parasailers from the end of the pier when all of a sudden we heard a loud thud. We turned around & saw a shark squirming for him life about 2 feet away from us. at 1st i thought " where the heck did this shark come from?" Seriously, I couldn't figure it out (Einstein)- then we saw that there were fishermen standing a few feet away- they had caught the shark & thrown it towards us. Creepy. One of the guys convinced Josie to pick it up & even told her it would not hurt her if she put her fingers in its mouth(what?). Brave girl...I wouldn't go near the shark & was relieved when they threw it back in the ocean. A few minutes later...the same loud thud & another shark appeared..ick!

Up, Up & Away

Another favorite beach activity in parasailing. Grandma Elaina took Sydney & Dani


A few more funny images from our last night at the beach.

Family Pictures

Although I am not a fan of the Posed" picture, it is tradition to take a family picture each year at the beach ( it is a great idea since it really is the only time we are all together). We had to bribe Griffin to get out of his pj's ( which he rocked this year at the beach). And look at our Jose...wearing a dress!!!

Cooking Night

Ahh cooking day. The day each family sacrifices so that dozens of others don't have to lift a finger in order to get a delicious meal. Totally worth it to shop, chop, stand over a hot oven, serve food & clean up in order to do not much the remainder of the vacation. This year the Lowell clan stepped out of the comfort zone & tried out a new menu. Successful!

Go Carting

A great thing to do on vacation. Griffin had a back seat driver b/c he was too young to drive solo, however he let Griffin drive the last lap alone. Of course Griffin plowed ( a nicer word than crashed) right in to the back of another car amidst everone screaming STOP STOP STOP! Then Josie had a turn & we were cracking up at her as well...she had a huge smile on her face & her cousin Dani was trying so hard to pass funny how competitive they get.

The Jellyfish Incident

Okay, this picture does not do the bite justice. As the story goes...Sydney, Josie & their cousins Dani & Tara were boogie boarding fairly far out & I heard what I thought was happy screaming! As the girls starting coming towards the shoreline , I could not determine if it was laughter or crying...if it was Josie or Sydney (also how many times a day do we hear "mom, I need you" when it turns out to be a minor incident). Sydney had gotten stung by some sea critter. Her leg was grossly swollen, dozens of pin prick dots on her knees & a raised line that had wrapped around her leg a few times. I have to say she handled it extremely well, but she was definitely hurting. We tried benedryll for the swelling, vinegar to neutralize the sting- without much success. Drawing on a "Friends" episode we convinced Griffin to pee on her leg & voila...the swelling went down & she started to feel some relief. Griffin has a small bladder, so we needed more contributions (anonymous of course) a few more applications & all Sydney had left was the marks of the tentacles! A few more in our group got stung over the next few days...most of us chose to just dip our feet in the ocean instaed of going for a swim!


It's been three years since we went on the annual beach vacation...but no one skipped a beat. everyone is so great & Griffin seemed to jump right in & be a part of all the fun.

Jet Skiing

One of the families we were on vacation with brought their jet ski down & all of us (except Lee) had a chance to ride on it...what a blast. Griffin had the best time- he really enjoyed jumping the waves.