Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Hannah - Date

Josie & Sydney have "slept off" their camp hangover & are back in to Florida summer living (code: the pool). Both of their friends Hannah are over for the day & the girls could not be happier. Griffin is also digging having kids around. Gone are our quiet days of summer & I now need to be more prepared with food & drinks!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Shifting gears

Yes, the boredom has sunk in. Today's afternoon activity was baking cookies- something Josie pointed out would be one of the many things she would do in one afternoon at camp! I must say the girls are more eager to help out at home (another bonus of camp). Griffin was happy to be in charge of chocolate chips & taste testing!


Josie showing us her new archery skills!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Go Girls

Josie & Sydney showing us their new skills. Sydney LOVES skiing & says she wants to be in the Minoqua-bats someday.

Camp Agawak - Visitor's Day 2009

Wow! We had a wonderful, wonderful Visiting Day. I missed the actual reunion b/t Lee & Josie b/c of a car blocking my view...and then it took us awhile to find Sydney...but we could really feel the love- there were a few tears, but they were of Joy! okay, let me just say we had a temperature drop of about 30 degrees from Orlando...but that did not stop Sydney & Josie from showing us their waterskiing skills. It was a fabulous day- we are so glad we got to see what their experience was like. We could see the exhaustion on the faces...emotionally & physical. Like the Agawak motto "Full Speed Ahead"- there was no stopping these campers the past weeks. So now, we are back home, I am trying to sort what stays, what gets tossed, what is put in the duffle bags until next summer. Great to have you home Josie & Sydney- we are so thrilled that you loved camp.


A few of their favorite counselors (minus sydney's counselor Myla who was not there). thanks to all for making their 1st summer at agawak one to remember

cabin mates

A few photos of a few friends...some had already left camp! sydney has already gotten a few text messages! so cute.

Reunited & it feels so good!

Here is a picture the camp took immediately after we saw Josie for the 1st was pretty emotional. Of course, sydney was no where to be found once we walked in to camp...she showed up a few minutes later & it was also an emotional reunion. We have our own pictures to follow...update to follow in between our loads of laundry!

Final campfire

The final campfire for the 1st session of Camp Agawak 2009 was moved inside due to weather (shocker). did not stop everyone from having a great time their final night together.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T (Sydney's lip sync)

So, I could not locate Sydney in any of the lip sync pictures. Was she sick that day? What was up? When we got to camp, the girls showed up the video of the lip sync & the reason I couldn't find her (besides the pictures being blurry) was that she looks like she is 15 or 16 years old in these pictures! Great job had us fooled!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lip Sync 2009

We cannot wait to hear the details of this night! Apparently ALOT of thought & rehearsal goes in to this competition. And to keep with the theme...we have a few pictures of josie & Sydney is nowhere to be found! I think big BLUE/WHITE points are given to the winner. The next time we see Josie & Sydney's faces it will be in person!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tubing: Josie & Moops

How fun does this look? Take it all in girls because in a few days you will be back to swimming in a 5 ft deep pool ( although much warmer than lake Blue!)


What a great picture of Josie, Megan & Sydney. a big Thank you to Moops for looking after Josie & Sydney their first summer away at camp...we feel lucky to have you there showing the girls the ropes & are so glad you could have the summer together!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mini Olmpics rolls on

Some pictures from various parts of the competition...hats off to those who organized. The competition involved way more than athleticism- lots of memory & stamina involved as well. I am sure this last week of camp will be jam packed full of a ton of activities. Stay tuned.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finishing off with some frosting

On our way home we stopped in at Ritz Kids & Griffin & Mollye thought they were going to make carmel apples but instead they subbed in frosting for caramel. No worries- still delicious & they even got to decorate a red velvey cupcake. Not bad!

Beginning to Surf

Griffin came out to swim our last few hours at the Ritz & he tried to surf on the rafts. I think he needs a bit more practice, although we definitely see a future surfer in him. A few more times in the pool & then we'll get him out on some real waves.

Opening Ceremonies & relays for Olympics

From the pictures, it looks like the 4 teams for Agawaks Olmypics are named after cereals. Sydney is on Cap'n crunch, Jo is on Lucky Charms (not to mention Rice Krispies & Froot Loops). This totally brings back memories for me when I went to camp! that's megan (Moops) holding up the Cap'n Crunch sign!