Thursday, April 30, 2009

Naked Wii Boxing

I think this title says it all! Naked boxing...what else is better for a 3 year old!

he is actually fairly skilled1

The Birthday party

Josie had a great party. The kids were great...easy breezy. Swimmimg, snacks, water balloon fights, more swimming & finally pizza, cake & presents! I know Josie had alot of fun...that's what it is all about. So after 3 days of partying, we can put away the streamers & balloons...for a few weeks!

The party continues...

2nd day of celebration with family over for cake & ice cream & a dip in the hot tub. A very relaxing Friday night for all. But this is not the last of the cake...

Happy 9th Birthday Josie

Our girl Jo is now 9! Happy Birthday Josie. If you have been following our blog...our brithdays might sound repetitive...traditional birthday dance, breakfast...presents. Griffin & I met Josie for lunch at school & we skipped tennis to ride a few rides at The Magic Kingdom & then we headed over to Chef Mickey's. Phase one of her birthday celebrations. is always fun celebrating with you!

Washington D.C.

yay! The part of the trip I was looking the most forward to...Washington D.C. The last time I was there, George H. W. Bush was the preisident & I was in grad school!!! I do love a city with so much history. Beautiful. What I realized was that I need atleast 4 times the amount of time had. We took a tour of the Capitol...had lunch at The House of Representatives, visited The Library of Congress & raced through The Mall to see all the monuments (except for Jefferson- but we passed that on the bus home). Awesome day!

Headliner's Performance

Early Sunday morning The Headliner's performed at King's Dominion. Once the show was over the kids were eager to hit all the rides again. Atleast we all had a better nights sleep...we had a very full day at the park! Highlight for me was when Lisa & I went on the Scooby Doo rollercoaster...oh my, the laughs we had!

King's Dominion

Sydney & I went on a 4 day trip with her Headliner's class to perform @ King's Dominion Amusement Park in Virginia. We travelled by bus through the night with extreme temperatures (cold)..I can only speak for myself...but not much sleep, if any. So, a day at an amusement park with virtually no sleep was to say the least...exhausting. but we had fun & the rollercoasters were unbelievable ( not that I went on many..okay three) but all the kids had a blast!

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's not Hawaii, but...

We played at The Polynesian Resort our last weekend of spring break. Lee took all the kids out on the motor boats...stalled & had to be towed in!!! The girls & I sipped "lava flows" from the tiki bar & we managed to convince Griffin to let us bury him in the sand. Since our Hawaii trip is now postponed until 2011, this is about as close to the islands as we will get. Atleast there is no jet lag!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The end of a perfect day

Lee organized a little get together to celebrate my birthday. Both my sisters were in town so our family get together was bigger than usually. Kathy A. joined in for the festivities as well. thank you to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes...a very special, low key day!!! Perfect!

swim, swim

Update on our little swimmer. He's starting to get & loves it! Loves his swim teacher & he is very proud of himself! He told me to sign him up for swim lessons " forever"!

My very Happy Birthday!

I had such a wonderful birthday yesterday. After what seemed like celebrating my 40th birthday for almost half of last year...41 really did sneak up on me! I really had nothing special in mind...Lee & I had some R & R last week, so i did not feel like I needed a break. After our birthday morning rituals od dancing, cards etc I dropped the kids off at school, went for a long run & then headed into the Magic Kingdom with my fav. guys. We rode a few rides- i got my complimentary "Fun card' from Disney ( to be spent later). Very fun. Two bonus'. One- we got to ride inthe front of the monorail which was exciting for Griffin & ...I got my high score on Buzz Lightyear, which I felt like I was handicapped b/c griffin was in control of steering!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Say "cheese"

After dinner the kids found fun on the bellman's cart- actually they were too lazy to walk over to a bench to get their picture know how annoying that can be for kids!

Ohana fun

We went to Ohana's for dinner last night with Cathy & Simon. It was great- a perfect view of the castle to watch the fireworks. Coconut ball was a big hit with Griffin- no surprise there! Best bread pudding around.