Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gingerbread House

Here is our 1st project of the Holiday Season...A Gingerbread House! (Cookies, latkes and many variations of pumpkinbread to follow. It's nice as my "helper's" get bigger , i have to do less & less. The girls have proven their culinary skills this past week!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Griffin : "Whipped Cream is the best part"

Griffin is a great little eater, although he didn't eat too much for Thanksgiving because he was busy entertaining us with songs thoughout the meal. He had an audience & was taking advantage of having his cousins here. But as soon as dessert was served...he was all businness. You cannot compete with whipped cream. Well, it does have calcium in it, right?

Our Feast

Our number was smaller this year...and we could totally tell by the amount of leftovers we have...I did halve most of the recipes, but somehow we have a tremendous amount of food left. we had a great meal (if I dod say so myself)...Lee & I have been watching The Food Network lately & we experimented with a few recipes with some great results. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

A relaxing morning

Griffin watching television
Sydney "couching" it

Josie prepares cornbread stuffing

Josie sauteeing onions
Snuggling in bed
I love Thanksgiving! Our morning was so relaxing. I had to go in to the hospital at 4:30 to deliver a baby I was grateful that I did not have to get up so early to get things done. The 5 of us all got in to our bed & watched "The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade" ( especially since we lived a half block from the parade route). Once I had enough coffee in me...I went for a great run & when I returned, my awesome helper Josie & I prepared the stuffings & the turkey & put it in the oven. Sydney & Griffin continued to "couch" it while Lee made a big breakfast to hold everyone over until it was turkey time. I love when we have days where there is no running around.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tennis, anyone?

Josie & Sydney have been taking tennis lessons for a few months now & they are really enjoying it. It has been hard to find times to go out & practice in between lessons, but we've been able to do it a few times. Both Lee & I love the game & we look forward to actually playing with the girls.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Josie Lowell

Josie spent alot of her time practicing on the soccer field before her game today...she had to be at the field at 8 a.m. (ouch) for team pictures. Too bad most of her teammates did not show up until right before her 9 a.m. game. Did I mention it was in the 40's & Rob Zollinger confused me witha sherpa because I was wrapped up like I was climbing Everest??? You would never know I grew up in the snow belt & was exposed to lake effect winds. Anyways, not the point of this post...I got to play around some more with my camera & get some great shots of her defending the goal. ps- later that day I was running errands & the temperature was posted outside as 74 degress. I was in a turtleneck & still cold, hmmmmmm.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

"Oink, oink"

Yes, we live near a mouse and a duck, but I have never seen a pig and her babes walking around Celebration. I had just picked up The Arce girls from MSC & was heading over to get Josie & Sydney when Katie pointed out the pigs. I had my camera with me since I had just left the honor roll assembly...I was able to get a picture of them ( I guess my camera works outdoors!). We were able to get Jo & Syd & retrace our steps & the pigs were still there. Some of you remember the last time I got this close to pigs (not on a farm) was March 2000, when I hit a wild boar in the middle of the night (Kauai) & it totalled my car when I was 9 months pregnant with Josie...fortunately, these little ones stayed on the side of the road!

Congratulations Sydney & Josie

A big "we're proud of you" to our girls on their outstanding academic performances the 1st quarter of 3rd (Josie) & 6th (Sydney) grades. I had technical difficulties with my camera, so no pictures of their Honor Roll assemblies. They both worked very diligently and are very thank you girls!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Here's my little Indian at The Montessori Thanksgiving Feast. I have heard from several sources he was a good eater and enjoyed himself. After i picked him up, we ordered our Turkey for next week & started buying our supplies!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lowell guys

Last week I posted pictures that Terri took of us it is the boys turn. I love these pictures of Griffin & Lee. It certainly shows how much Griffin has changed over the past 6 months.

More broccoli ,please

Josie came home with 4 more heads of broccoli from her school's garden yesterday. That is way too much steamed broccoli (although Griffin ate almost an entire head himself last week) we got creative & made a broccoli casserole for Josie's class to eat. It smelled great & Sydney was bummed that she did not get looks like I will be making another casserole for us this week. Hopefully, Mr. Fiorito can provide the fresh veggies again.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

'A Land of Thousand Dances"

This year at school Sydney is a member of Headliners- The Celebration Middle School Singing/danceing group. They had their 1st performance this past weekend...which was a tribute to music from the 20's, 50's, 60's & 70's. Very enjoyable show & the kids all looked like they were having fun!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Lowell girls go out racing

Fall is my favorite time to run and I have been out pounding the pavement consistently these past few weeks, since the temperature is below 88 degrees! I ran The Celebration Founder's day (not held on Founder's Weekend this year) & the girls ran the kids mile race. They did great! They both said "running is hard' No joke!

Montessori International Festival

Griffin's school held their annual International festival this weekend. The 3-6 year olds sang songs (bringing us back to Sunday school). Griffin wasn't "feeling it" fact his own father said "he's got nothin'!" Still cute...check out how much he did not want to be on stage!

Josie's soccer season update

I have missed the past few games for various reasons...but it was great to see the kids on the field today. The 8-11 year old teams are really starting to get the fundamentals of the game...recognizing they have team mates...passing...etc. It is really fun to watch them as a team. They have tough competition & you can really see how they have improved over the season.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lowell girls

Last Spring, Terri took our family pictures...1st time since we've been a family of 5. Griffin was on the verge of losing his babiness, so I wanted to get to get them done while he still had "that look" to him. typical for Orlando...rain was threatening & it was sticky outside. But we made it through & here is one of my favorites. Terri...xoxo, you rock ....I am so proud of you & your work. Mahalo plenty.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mr. Crazy Eyes

Griffin got theses glasses at a birthday party this afternoon. All he has been doing since is wearing them & singing..." I am a robot, dee, dee, dee, dee" over & over again...& now the girls are singing it as well. Earplugs, somebody please get me some.

How to get your kids to eat veggies....

Josie has been leaving for school by 7:30 a.m. in order to work in the garden at her school. Her wonderful teacher, Mr. Fiorito, has taught the kids how to plant & maintain the garden. It really gives them a sense of pride. She has brought home, radishes, peppers, jalepenos 7 as you can see...broccoli! She walked in to my office afterschool with a big garbage bag & said " guess what is in here?" Never would i have imagines a big head of broccoli with it's leaves. Fresh veggies...way better than store bought. Thanks Mr. Fiorito!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kathy's 40th Birthday Weekend

I just returned from a wonderful, relaxing weekend to celebrate Kathy's 40th birthday. As Rebecca referred to it "GO Big, or Go Home", which is exactly what we did...and Kathy totally deserved it. We left Saturday morning, checked in to The R-C Grande Lakes. We had spa treatments both Saturday & Sunday (the best), sat out by the pool, although the weather was iffy. Saturday evening, 20 friends joined to celebrate our dear friends 40th at Primo. It was a wonderful evening- everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

To the birthday girl..."To one of the most generous, supportive, caring, gracious friends I have...Welcome to 40, here's to a great decade"