Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our little rocker turns 3!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Griffin. What a full day we had celebrating. There has been alot of build up to his birthday, mostly from his sisters, that I don't really think he believed that it was actually "the" day. We celebrated at home before school, at school, & then a very casual party at the park. The weather could not have been more perfect. Of course, no nap followed (thanks to the "new" sleeping arrangements)...we finished off the day having a birthday dinner at home with Mollye & Grammy. We never got around to opening up his presents...I think we were all tired! Something to look forward to over the weekend. More pictures to follow ...between all the celebrations, I think we took almost 100! Thanks to everyone who partied with us. Griffin, we love you...keep on rockin'.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The end of an ERA

So here we are taking down our crib for one last time...all 3 kids slept in this crib- some (Griffin) more than others (Josie). It travelled from New York, To Kauai, to Florida. More than anything, it is symbolic that we are out of the baby phase. We have no plans to replace it with a bed just yet, as Griffin is happy "camping" out in his room in the shark tent. We even moved his mattress in there. Sadly, the end of the crib has also meant the end of consistent, solid naps (can you hear the depression in my voice). I cannot believe my excellent sleeper has turned in to one of those kids that is out of his room & down the stairs almost as fast as his parents. I am sure many of you have been there...not fun. Oh well, we had 3 good years!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Slow Ride..."

I have posted before on how much Griffin LOVES to play any kind of musical instrument (especially the guitar). He is also know for carrying "gadgets" & various items from our home with him. Usually, when we go in the car if he does not bring one of his blankies he has been known to travel with eggbeaters, spatulas, boxes of all sorts. He has even started to bring things to school. So, when a box that once held a curtain rod was about to be thrown out...he quickly converted in to he latest instrument. Enjoy the show!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We Love Brownie Sundaes!!!!

We think the title says it all....yum!

Davis 4th girls weekend

Another quick weekend away...this time up to Rhode Island to reunite with my college girls!!! Once again Spam picked Naomi & me up in Boston late Friday afternoon & we all drove down to Kath's beach house in Rhode Island. You really can get exhausted from doing nothing!!! Coffee, a group run, beach, food, margaritas, get the gist of our weekend. Oh did I mention talking? I think that is why I am so tired!!! Great to catch up (although I did see Spam & Kath in July) & have time to lounge in PJ's & absolutely no tv. thanks everyone for motivating & of course looking forward to seeing you all next year. xoxo Amer.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Business of Being Born

Even though this is our family blog & I try to keep it about "all things Lowell" I wanted to include a post about a documentary I saw last night. I have been meaning to watch "The Business of Being Born" since it debued in 2007, but it was never released in the Orlando area...but thanks to Netflix, I had my opportunity. This is a project that Ricki Lake was inspired to do after the dissatisfying birth of her 1st son left her with many unanswered questions(which was coincidentally in NYC the same time I had Sydney). She questioned all the interventions she had & how it made her feel. She decided to take a long at the U.S.'s maternity care system (costs, maternal & neonatal morbidity/mortality), compared it with other developed nation's (we're the 2nd worse :( ). She presented the history of Obstetrics & although technology has made advances, in the cases of low risk pregnancy, that often these interventions lead to poor outcomes & certainly contributed to our nation's climbing & embaressing cesarean rate. That in our culture women fear birth & don't realize they have options. I have witnessed this 1st babies in NYC (or anywhere on the mainland)- where women are all scheduling their inductions & cesareans & get epidurals, vs. Kauai, where culturally women don't fear labor as much & go into labor on their own (our hospital didn't offer epidurals for laboring women at the time I was there) & we had considerably lower c/s rate (6% vs. the national average of 30% at the time).

On a positive note, her investigation focused on the positive impact that midwives have on birth outcomes. This is something that I have always known..that it is safer to have your baby with a midwife (provided you have a low risk pregnancy) & that if you ask most residents in an Ob/gyn residency program if they have any experience or even seen a normal unmedicated delivery...they haven't. As some of the doctors I have worked with have said "midwives are the expects at vaginal deliveries, b/c that is what they are trained to do". Studies have shown it is safer to deliver your baby at home than at a hospital.

Anyways, what clicked with me ( because I felt 100% in tune with her message) was that she was not bashing doctors/obstetrics/ or even hospitals...she was bringing to light that women have choices & in our country, the choice is not often presented. Things are done based on the convenience of the provider...not necessarily what is best for the mother & baby.

In my practice, I try to do this everyday...give my patients the information so that she can make the best decision for her family. Every family has different needs, but I love working with families who do their homework & make their choices & do not fall in to what I refer to "cookie cutter " obstetrics. I do work in a hospital setting & there are protocals there that need to be followed...but I really do have concern that if the current trend continues we are going to see the c/s rate escalate in the next few years. It was a brilliant documentary & even if you are done having children - it is smart to watch. Two thumbs up from me!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Now it's Griffin's turn

For almost 3 years Griffin has been travelling around Celebration & beyond to all his big sisters' activities. It just hit me the other day that he should have his own activity. I knew exactly which one...he loves to jump on the "tumble track" at IMDP & they have a 3 & 4 y/o acro class..PERFECT!!! He sits patiently through each of his sisters' class so that he can have his own turn at the end of their class. So, I was a bit miffed when he got to acro on Saturday a.m. when he refused to participate...he walked around the gym complaining he was "too tired" (11:00 a.m.) & "too hungry" (okay he did have a point- I think Lee & I thought the other one fed him breakfast!) Anyways, what is up with that...I mean what almost 2 y/o boy would not want to tumble. Long story short he participated in the last 5-10 minutes. Wow!!! I think he is a non-participating phase, 1st school & now acro. Oh well, we'll give it one more try to see if it's a go!

Our latest piece of furniture

Uncle Greg is in there somewhere setting the shark up

This is cool (also check out Josie in the background) Sleepy time

Grammy gave both Griffin & Wyatt their very own Shark tents for their birthdays ( too bad we don't have a backyard). I think it will set up residence in our family room. So, I know I have posted that Griffin only sleeps in his crib (not in a car, not in a bed, not on a plane -sounds like Dr. Seuss?) - so when he said he wanted to sleep in the shark I was like "okay, let's get this over with...I'll let him lie down in the tent & within 5 minutes he will be wandering around the house & then he will be back up in his crib." It's happened before when he tried to have sleepovers with his sisters. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He slept the whole night & even called for us at 7:45 a.m. to come get him out even though he could have just walked out of the tent. I didn't sleep as well...I was waiting for a "crash"- picturing him walking into something in the middle of the night. I really hope this isn't the "beginning of the end" for his crib nights....atleast we are more prepared for our future camping trip to Fort Wilderness!


Look how adorable out new nephew & cousin Mac is....he is almost 3 months & a total love. I am totally out of practice holding a baby for long periods of arm was killing me! He is so sweet, calm & alert it!

Horsing Around

Lee took Sydney & Josie horseback riding yesterday...they LOVED it. Besides riding they got to feed & take care of the horse they rode. They 1st thing they asked when they got home was when could they go again. Even Lee , city slicker that he is, rode for awhile. Next time, I think Griffie & I will join in!
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An early Birthday Celebration

The birthday boys "eyeing" each other down with their juiceboxes
opening gifts
blowing out the candles
we love cake!!!

Aunt Jen, Uncle Greg, wyatt & Mac came to town & we decided to celebrate Griffin (3) & Wyatt (2)'s birthdays a bit early. Very funny & i think Griffin cannot believe his good fortune- that it is actually his turn to be opening up presents. He loved everything he got...yes more toys to play with!!! Stay turned to sept. 25th for more of the festivities!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

15 years of wedded bliss

Okay, Lee & I just had a very, very long laugh looking at some of our wedding photos. Check out exhibit A & B above. Oh my!! So here we are 15 years later...really it is hard to believe because it has flown by ( although I do remember th evening quite vividly). Lee, what can I say that I haven't constantly make me laugh, you certainly have lived up to your vows of "for better or worse" & I am thankful ever day that I get to take this journey with you by my side. I can go on & on but actions speak louder than words. 15 years ago, i never would have imagined that one day you would suggest we leave the craziness of NYC for paradise on Kauai...but you did & we created a life for ourselves. I really have no expectations for what lives ahead, although I am sure we will find ourselves doing something off the beat and path and enjoying ourselves along the way.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our bloggerversary

So, we have been blogging for a little bit over a year!!! I really didn't have any expectation when I started other that to post some pictures of the kids for out of state friends/family to view from time to time. But, it has turned in to more than that for me- I have really enjoyed 'blogging"- journaling about our day to day "little" adventures. It's been fun to look back & read the stories that go along with some of the pictures of the past 12 months & I plan to continue. We've done some really fun things this past year- little trips here & there, catching up with old friends. Overall I'd say this past year was fun to document. I am sure year two will continue with the typical ups & downs of our typical family life.

Lauren & Josh's wedding

Okay, we have to admit...we love a fun wedding! Last Saturday evening we attended Lee's "cousin" Lauren's wedding, which was held at a beautiful spot on Bear Mountain overlooking the Hudson River. It was a really fun night, it was nice to see alot of Lee's family who we rarely get to see. Of course, a night out together- dancing etc. is something that we don't get to do that often, so we really appreciated our evening out. The bride & groom looked beautiful...and of course it amazes us that15 years ago this week was when we walked down the aisle!

Ice Cream, ice cream!!!

Josie, Dani & Tara
Dani, Sydney, Josie, Griffin, & Tara
Aunt Marya, took us to an ice creamery near there home...yummo! The cows were sitting in a field right out back...which made lee & I nostalgic for Vermont. And although, we will always be loyal to our good friends Ben & Jerry..the ice cream here was amazing.

Leaving on a jet plane

This past weekend, we tooka very quick trip up to Connecticut to spend time with Lee's family & go to a wedding. The 2.5 hour trip up north is just about the right length of time to spend in flight (we're gearing up for a trip to Hawaii next summer). We've been travelling a lot this past few months & the kids are definitely easy travellers. Fun trip- went by too fast.