Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flippin' out

Josie just finished 2 weeks at acro camp & here is one of the skills she learned. Yes, I know some of you are thinking " how could I possibly be related to her!" Good work JoJo.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning! We've seemed to ease in to summer. It is (for the most part) nice to not be running around so much, although there are still carpools to coordinate & get the girls where they need to be. Sydney is counting down to Boston, so she is dancing everyday, while Josie has been going to Acro camp at night & making great progress there (pictures to follow). Griffin started back with swimming lessons, although he thinks he already can swim (also pics to follow). So, just checking in on a tuesday morning...enjoy.
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Sunday, June 22, 2008

The 1st purchased haircut




I took Griffin for his 1st 'in-store" haircut today. Hmmm, we are still 'on the fence' about the results...his bangs are definitely too short. It's true, when you cut those 1st baby curls, they never really come back...oh well. He was not happy & ended up sitting on my lap (minus the drape). What do you think?

Pele in training

We are now owners of Wii Fit. we are having a blast & let me just say some of us are a bit sore these past few days. It really can be a great workout. Griffin is getting in to it as well...check out his soccer skills...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome to our family...

Our newest nephew & cousin arrived late yesterday...Mac Howard Miller. He most likely will be the last in a long line of cousins for the Miller family (9 boys & 4 girls). Congratulations to my brother Greg, sister-in-law jen & nephew (& big brother to Mac) Wyatt on mac's safe arrival. Mac we can't wait to squish you in person. Love, Aunt Amy, Uncle Lee, & cousins Sydney, Josie & Griffin

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Mother's day ...Blizzard Beach, therefore Father's Day...Typhoon Lagoon. We had a lazy Sunday morning at home (the best) & then we headed to the water park. We rarely go to TL, we had so much fun...oh my, Crush-n-Gusher (the water rolling coaster)- was a blast. What made it so great besides a thrill ride was it emptied in to a zero entry pool which is perfect when a member of your party is well below the 48" height requirement (Josie barely squeaked by) & can splash in the water while his sisters ride the slide. As we finishing up, it seemed like a real Typhoon was approaching...we left fast bu tmanaged to get some donuts on the way out.

Happy Father's Day to Lee! Sydney, Josie & Griffin have a wonderful father, filled with love, loads & loads of patience, enthusiasm & dedication that impresses me everyday. xoxo.

Fun in the Sun

We were invited to come play at The Beach & Yacht Club with The Arces. We love this hotel...the pool is so much fun & absolutely perfect for kids of all ages. The weather was great- we swam all afternoon & finished the day off with an early dinner at Beaches-n-Cream. One of the great things about Orlando is that you are never too far from a resort to make you feel like you are on a (brief) vacation.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

At the car wash...

Ah summer, more time to do...chores!!! Our van was in DESPERATE (can you hear that) need of a cleaning. So Josie, Griffin & I grabbed old towels, soap & the hose. Of course there is a 60% chance of rain in a few hours, so we'll see how long it can stay clean. In the meantime, Josie & I will be rewarding ourselves with pedicures after we put Griffin down for a nap.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The things little brothers go through...

Yesterday I was getting ready to go out & all 3 kids were very quiet upstairs. i knew something was up when the girls insisted on using our camera. The next thing I knew, Griffin was coming downstairs asking for the camers himself...he was in one of Josie's dance costumes. So sad, of course the girls got a good laugh at his expense & he was a good sport. Just like the "hair" I am sure this is another rite of passage for boys with older sisters!!! Pictures taken by Josie M. Lowell

Josie's pirate (Acro) costume
Josie's Hip Hop costume

Sunday, June 8, 2008

5th Grade Recognition Ceremony

Friday was the last day of school for our girls & the K-8 school has a "recognition" ceremony for all the outgoing 5th graders...which is essentially a graduation. The students get to say what they would like to be remembered for and their favorite memory from elementary school. Sydney was chosen by Mr. Melrose to represent their class by leading the Pledge of Allegiance & The Star Spangled Banner. I hate to sound cliche here but it seems like yesterday that we dropped her off at her 1st day of kindergarten & I don't have to remind some of you that she cried everyday through Halloween. But obviuosly she adjusted and here we are at middle school! Crazy, crazy. Thanks to Mr. Melrose for a great (and very fun ) year.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

End of the school year Carnival

The Celebration School end of the year carnival was lots of fun & very, very hot!!! The kids had a great time. It is hard to imagine that the school year is over because it flew by. Both Sydney & Josie had great years- we couldn't have asked for better teachers- Josie settled in to her new school perfectly & both very worked hard. Now it is time to kick back, relax & enjoy summer!
Mrs. Berrada's 2nd grade class
Best friends, Alexa & Josie
Sydney & Maija
The best 2nd grade teacher ever...Mrs. Berrada
trying to beat the heat
slippin' & slidin'
Alexa & Josie race one another

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Look who's playing the Wii!

At 2 1/2 Griffin has started to master the Wii. It is so funny to watch him play- he is playing boxing in this picture. i think this may be the solution to avoiding the extremely hot summers here & having to stay indoors & getting some exercise!

Bubbles galore

Our floors have been squeaky clean lately- Griffin has been double fisting these bubble blowers all over the house. he can go through a bottle of bubbles in no time at all.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bahama Breeze Birthday

Here are some pictures from our dinner celebrating Sydney & 11 years!

best friends
make a wish
11 years together
how time flies
Grammy & Griffie!

He said it before, he says it again....

Happy 11th Birthday Sydney!!!

Happy Birthday to Sydney! She had a wonderful day- this was the 1st year that she was actually in school for her birthday...usually we are starting the summer break on her birthday. She said it was fun to go to school on her birthday & since this is the last week of the school year (and her last in elementary school) things are winding down- she did not even have dance since the recital was this past weekend, which gave her free time to play with her friend afterschool which was a treat. Sydney is a joy & she has a wit about her that alot of people don't see, but is definitely there & quite enjoyable. We are very proud of her!!!
Good morning 11 year old

Griffin " Oh when is it going to be my birthday?"

loving Hollister

yay! An IPod!

Birthday Lunch at school with Josie