Saturday, May 31, 2008

IMDP Revue

In Motion Dance Project had it's annual Revue today- Sydney danced in two shows- Josie danced in one. It was a great day. It really showed how hard the girls worked this year & being at a new studio this past year has been a very positive experience. At the end of the show, many kids were awarded most improved in the various classes that the studio offers & Sydney was given an award for tap.

Jr. 2's - Sydney, Hannah, Emily, Cecelia, Michele, Ali, Ariana, Nina & Alex

Josie backstage

Josie taking her final bow

Sydney at the end of her 1st show

Waiting for the arrival of baby Balint

Here is the "A Place For Women" crew (plus Griffin)- we recently threw Dr. Balint a surprise baby shower. It seems like pregnancy/babies goes in waves & 2008 is definitely a baby boom-we are waiting for our nephew & several little ones over the next few months. I think Dr. Balint would agree that it is such a unique experience to be pregnant & experience all wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful) moments of pregnancy when you have made a career of taking care of pregnant women for so many years...i would say it is humbling for sure. She looks great & has been a trooper & I think she is thrilled that her baby will be here soon. Let's hope I get back from Boston in time to catch the little one!

Memorial Day Weekend at The Don Cesar

We definitely felt like we needed a mini -vacation & Memorial Day was just around the corner. We headed to St. Pete beach & checked in to The Don Cesar. The kids were awesome- it was the 1st vacation since Griffin was born that really was relaxing. Besides the typical swimming & building sand castles, the kids watched a movie poolside, played various games with the rec. department and viewed fireworks over the ocean. A few days away was the perfect amount for us to feel rejuvinated & face the last few weeks of the school year.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here he comes...

Our Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day at Blizzard Beach with my mom, Mollye & my nephew Mark. It has been awhile since we were there & Griffin is at a great age- he is so excited about everything...although it will be nice when he can go on all the big kid rides- although he did go on a few "bigger kid" slides. The weather was perfect & we even managed to run in to one of our old neighbors from NYC who managed to recognize us after 10 years (I guess that is a good thing). Bonus- we ordered take out when we got home!

A bit late but...

The 11th Annual Sydney Games

Yesterday we celebrated Sydney's 11th Birthday a bit early. Months ago, she decided she wanted a party to be similar to The Disney games...over time it evolved in to a party of field games, like we used to play as kids (Tug O War, Egg race, Water Ballon Toss, etc). It was actually quite fun to plan, although there were a lot of little details & I didn't feel too organized because I had a few other things going on this week. But it all pulled together & not only did the girls have fun, but we really enjoyed watching the girls play...we know some very competitive girls. There were 4 teams (named after colors)- the snacks and the drinks were all based on the colors of the teams. Alot of team spirit was present- face painting, cheers & team support. We spent way more time at the field than we allowed for, so the girls came back to our house & cooled off in the pool & quickly had dinner. Terri & Melissa made another great cake because Sydney wanted "the best cake ever!!!" It was a fun party to plan & I want to thank Angie for helping out with Griffin (priceless), Michele for helping me all the way thru the party & also recognize her kickin' round off for the pink team...and Terri for taking what I am sure are some great photos!!! Really, a team effort by all.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Last night I was calling Griffin to go up to bed & look what I walked in to....Griffin had gotten in to a bag full of color coded M & M's (for Sydney's upcoming birthday party). So I didn't do a good job of putting them away (Lee's nightstand-toddler eye level). He knew he was busted instantly-he just smiled at me when I opened the bedroom door. Glass of warm milk, hand full of chocolate...all the same, right?!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Visiting Old Friends

Griffin & I spent the morning visiting my great friend from high school "Wen A." & her family. We met them at The Polynesian on their last day of their Disney trip. Wen & I worked at the same deli in high school, which was pretty much staffed with high schoolers...we had alot of fun & some crazy memories. She has a beautiful little boy Andrew, who is about 15 months older than Griffin. The boys played all morning so we were able to catch up. it is just crazy to think that our friendship began about 24 years ago.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yee Haw

We went to dinner at The Whispering Canyon tonight to celebrate the girls' excellent report cards. It is a very fun experience - I think it's been 2-3 years since we've been there. The wait staff is hilarious- very brash & bold...even Josie was taken aback at 1st. We had fun, although what was I thinking making a 7:45 seating on a school night (that's all they had)? Nice starting off the week getting your 2 year old to bed at 10 p.m.!!!
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Friday, May 2, 2008

One more time...great work Sydney!!!

As a 2nd grader Josie does not participate in the assembly (although her report matched her sister's)but the school invited the 2nd graders to watch all the festivities.
Sydney standing with some of her classmates.

Sydney receiving her award from Dr. Kennedy for straight A's.

The Principal, Dr. Kennedy promised to shave his head if the PTA received 500 members...they reached his goal & they gave him a mohawk @ the Middle School Honor Roll Assembly. The rest would come off at the end of this assembly.

Sydney being recognized for perfect attendance for the 2007-2008 school year!!!