Sunday, March 30, 2008


We went to Boma tonight with my family...yum!!! We love the food there- especially the soups! I scored the recipes for the soups - the waiter brought them out for me...I am stuffed but it was well worth it.

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Hannah's Mystery Party

Our good friend Hannah Swanson celebrated her 11th birthday this weekend. I was not invited but as she quickly pointed out to me, I did not invite her to my party!!! The theme was "mystery"- each invitee was give a file with a description of her character & an outline of their role. Sydney was picked by Hannah to be the "country girl" because apparently Sydney can do a great country accent (I have yet to hear it). The girls really got in to their costumes. Ps- the clown "did it"!!!
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Spring Break at The Beach & Yacht Club

We spent the past few days swimming with Cathy & her family. The kids have a ball- especially with their cousins. The Chucks went home today- so we spent a few hours with Cathy & Simon. Griffin loves the water & it is hard to get him out of the pool. It's even harder getting him out of the gameroom. Sydney, Griffin & I came back early so Griffin could nap before we all go out to dinner tonight. He fell asleep 2 minutes before we pulled in the garage...nap blown! What a bummer. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will be back for more sun & fun.
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Breakfast with the characters

Yesterday we had breakfast with my sister Cathy, our brother-in-law Chuck, our 2 nephews Chuck &Simon, My mom, Mollye. Sydney was dancing so she missed out - we ate at Cape May - cathy is staying at The Beach & Yacht Club which coincides with the girls' spring break. The food was good- Griffin was somewhat shy around the characters but knew all of them (thanks to The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).
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Do you think we need a dog? (b/c we're not having another baby!)

Here is Griffin taking our (indoor) cat Mittens for a walk! Mittens has the best personality - aside from the fact that he is always hungry- he is so laid back & will pretty much let you do anything to him- which is perfect when you have a toddler around. Griffin has attempted several times to take him for a walk in this doll stroller...he's made it past 1 house before Mittens jumps out & runs back home. Griffin gets upset but then loads him back in the stroller & the whole process repeats itself!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

40 is the new...

How many times have I heard that line in the past few weeks?!!!! What a fabulous day I had cannot get any better than spending the day with girlfriends at a spa & then coming home to a 4oth birthday celebration that my husband planned for me. When I first found out about all the hoopla, I really was uneasy about it- I really felt is was a bit unnecessary. Once, I got over that it really was fun...getting a new dress, hanging with friends all day, getting pampered...what's not to love. First, let me say Kathy, Beth, Michele, Meg, Dee & Terri- you all rock. Thanks for my special day, especially being a part of it. I would have fun & many giggles digging ditches with you all, but to be honest, The Ritz- Carlton is always a sure thing. You all looked beautiful after your facials (not that you don't at the playground or dropping your kids off at school). Second, to!!! You have made the last 20 birthdays special, but you really outdid yourself this time & I know you have several more surprises planned on my actual birthday. I cannot wait to see what is in store. It was a great night, the food, the ambiance, the not having me involved...all great. As for 40, I am not quite there yet (T- minus 12 days) but I am looking forward to this decade...everyone who I know is there already says it is great. Josie wrote on my big birthday wish board " Happy Birthday Mom. have fun being 40. Oh mom, don't get freaked out 40 is the 'knew' 20. Love Josie". She told me she made that up...clever girl!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's Hunting Season

Athough we technically do not celebrate Easter, how cute are a group of little kids walking around with baskets almost as big as they are? Before the pushing & shoving stage, it is so cute to watch their faces light with excitement. Today a group of kids who often meet at the park did just that & Griffin had a ball. Griffin paced himself as he openedthe candy which I have to say was at a minimum because there was alot of other goodies inside, including chalk & stickers. But as I said to my friend today..."starbursts count as a fruit, right?" Thanks to my friend Kristin who took these great photos.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Good Morning

Griffin & I decided to head to the baby pool this morning. yesterday was gorgeous here, & Griffin was able to go swimming with his sisters & some of their friends, but I was on-call so I watched from the side. Unfortunately, today was not as nice- windy so the air was much cooler. So after dipping our toes in the pool we met our friends Clayton & Kristin at the park...which is always enjoyable!
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mini Beach Vaca

Our good friends Beth & Mark invited us to their home in Vero Beach. I have to say we have not taken advantage of how many great beaches there are so close by. It was a very quick trip and the weather was chilly (for us Floridians...I know some of our family members are buried under snow at this very moment), but that did not stop us (especially the kids) from having a great time at the beach. Beth & Mark were great hosts- losts of food and games. It was very relaxing even if though it was a very short trip. Something about the beach makes us jump into relaxation mode.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jamming afterschool

Tuesdays afterschool I wish I had a clone of myself. Sydney's friends Ali & Hannah come over to do their homework before dance. We have about an hour to try to get as much homework done as possible, eat a snack & get dressed for ballet (that means hair slicked back neatly in buns). Throw Griffin in to the mix who insists on doing his "homework" & I really feel like I need to divide myself inorder to conquer.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Platinum Baby!!!!!

Wow. Wow . Wow. A wonderful day into night at Star Systems dance competiton. Sydney's team IN motion dance Project had a very successful competition. Sydney's dances received 2 platinum awards including top award for the night with the production number "Egypt". people were whispering about this dance after it was over. Ms. Amanda went back and forth on the stage to receive several top awards for choreography. The dancers really stepped it up last night- all the parents are so proud (and tired- it was a late night). seeing Sydney's face after the awards ceremony was priceless & it really is satisfying to see all the kids hard work pay off. The parents felt so much pride. Lee stayed home to watch Griffin & he was extremely proud of Sydney when he heard the news this morning. He even said he cannot wait until he next competiton (April). No breaks for the kids...extra practices continue tomorrow.

One gals trash is another gals treasure

Josie & Sydney decided at the 11th hour to participate in the semi- annual porch & yard sales we have here in Celebration. I have never been in to the garage sale/bargain shopping environment. I know people can be very successful if they take the time, but I have never had the patience. I do enjoy getting rid of stuff. I know Sydney & Josie are always motivated by money & for the quality of "stuff" they purged, I think they made out fairly well.